Blog Post

Simple Guidelines to Protect Your Teeth

Dr. Garland K. Davis • Dec 19, 2018
woman smiling

It’s a pretty safe bet that everyone would like their teeth to last their entire lives. But you might not realize all the ways you can protect the condition of your teeth, over and above what your dentist does during your visits. Here is some simple advice to help you keep your teeth intact.


The basic thing you want to do is keep hard objects from coming in contact with your teeth—especially hard, fast-moving objects. When engaging in active pursuits such as team sports, mountain biking or boxing, be sure you have a mouth guard and wear it. However, less dramatic activities can also take a toll on your teeth. Chewing on ice, pens, un-popped popcorn kernels, French bread, bones and even large, hard pretzels can all cause trouble. Hard candies, toffee and especially jawbreaker candies are particularly damaging!


If you use your teeth as a tool, you greatly increase your risk of damage. Have you ever seen someone try to open a bottle with their teeth? Opening a bag with your teeth or prying open bobby pins is likewise hazardous.


Repeated teeth clenching is also harmful. You may not realize you are clenching your teeth until your dentist tells you that your teeth are worn down. Do your best to eliminate clenching during the day. We can provide you with a night guard to protect your teeth at night. Holding a pipe between your teeth can also crack or fracture them.


Of course, the other essential part of preventing damage to your teeth is regular visits for cleanings and exams. Any time small areas of damage show up, prompt care can keep it from becoming a much bigger problem. For example, if you have decay in a tooth and it has not been repaired, exposure to slightly too much pressure or impact could fracture it. Call our office in Laurel today and schedule your next appointment.

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